Well Pump Service

There could be a number of reasons that you have no water. The first thing to do is always check and see if your circuit breaker tripped, if so reset it. If this does not fix the problem call us; we have a live 24/7 answering service that will connect you with the technician on call. We will diagnose the problem and offer a solution.

There are a number of different types of problems that can affect your well pump functionality. Common issues are when the motor won’t start, the motor won’t stop, or the water pressure is too low. Whether it’s a leaky pipe, waterlogged pressure tank causing your well pump to short cycle, a bad pressure switch or motor starter, even if your submersible or shallow well pump has failed, we can help.

3200 Series Submersible Pumps 4" Reduced Diameter

The 3200 Series submersible pumps are designed so that all parts of the pump end, including the cable guard, fall within the diameter of Franklin Electric’s industry leading submersible 4-inch motor. This reduced diameter pump end makes it ideal for installations where the well is considered encrusted or tight in comparison to a standard 4-inch well. The 3200 Series also offers a hydraulic stage design optimized for greater water and pressure output when installed at deeper well depths.